Future Hydrogen Supply Chain Map
for British Columbia
H2 Map BC displays the cost-optimal network of hydrogen production facilities, transportation, and fueling stations in British Columbia. This infrastructure can be tracked from the year 2020 to 2050, for three demand scenarios and different policy settings.
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Policy Definitions:
No Policy
No environmental policy support is included in the objective function of the model.
BC-LCFS Policy
The BC-LCFS (British Columbia low-carbon fuel standard) is both a regulatory and a market-based policy to reduce the transportation fuel carbon intensity. It was assumed that the credit price starts at the average price from 2015 to 2017 (C$167) and decreases over time until it reaches 0 in 2050. It was assumed that the increasing rate of adoption of low-emission technologies increases the number of credits in the market, which decreases the credit price accordingly.
Carbon Tax Policy
The B.C. carbon tax, covers greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the combustion of all fossil fuels used within the province. It was assumed that the carbon tax will increase annually until 2050 with a value equal to the estimated social cost of carbon, as recommended by the Canada Treasury Board Secretariat’s Analysis Guide (from C$45/tonne CO2 to C$76/tonne CO2 in 2050).
LCFS + Carbon Tax Policy
BC-LCFS and the carbon tax were explicitly included in the objective function of the model. A combination of both policies provide the best combination of cost and emissions reduction.

2360 East Mall
Vancouver, B.C.
V6T 1Z3 Canada
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